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Phar builder based on Yii2

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This module provides console interface for building PHAR archives for Yii2 applications.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist index0h/yii2-phar "*"

or add line to require section of composer.json

"index0h/yii2-phar": "*"

Standalone usage

php composer.phar global require index0h/yii2-phar:*
# Or with external configuration
yii2-phar phar/build myConfiguration.php


Once module is installed, modify your application configuration as follows:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'phar' => 'index0h\\phar\\Module',

You can access to yii2-phar module though console:

yii phar/build



Components - php classes for files modifications in phar archives. For example: remove all whitespaces from php code. Components configuration is just like yii Application components, for example:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'phar' => [
            'class' => 'index0h\\phar\\Module',
            'components' => [
                'fixer' => [
                    'class' => 'index0h\\phar\\components\\php\\Fixer',
                    'match' => '/.*\.php/'

Available components


Fixer changes realpath functions in files that doesn't work in phar.


Removes all whitespaces form php files by php_strip_whitespace.

Writing own component

Simply create class that extends index0h\phar\base\Component and implement processFile method.

For example minimize component:

namespace index0h\phar\components\php;

use index0h\phar\base\Component;
use index0h\phar\base\FileEvent;

 * Removes whitespace and comments from php files.
class Minimize extends Component
     * For all php files without suffix Controller (because help command parses comments).
    protected $match = ['/(?<!Controller)\.php/us'];

     * Modification of file.
     * @param FileEvent $event Event with file information.
    public function processFile(FileEvent $event)
        file_put_contents($event->realPath, php_strip_whitespace($event->realPath));

FileEvent structure


Run tests from IDE (example for PhpStorm)

Run tests from IDE (example for PhpStorm) inside phar archive

Run tests from console

make test-all